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Cannabichromene (CBC) -
A cannabinoid found in cannabis
Cannabidiol (CBD) -
The second most common cannabinoid produced by the cannabis plant. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with broad medical applications.
Cannabidiolic acid (CBD-a) -
The acidic form of CBD that is naturally produced by the cannabis plant
Cannabigerol (CBG) -
Non-psychoactive cannabinoid; used by the cannabis plant to produce THC and CBD
Cannabinoids -
Any of the chemical compounds that are active ingredients of cannabis. There are over 480 natural components found within the cannabis plant, of which 66 have been classified as "cannabinoids;" chemicals unique to the plant. Cannabinoids can be produced by humans and animals (endocannabinoids), plants (phytocannabinoids) and synthetically produced.
Cannabinol (CBN) -
Weakly psychoactive breakdown product of THC; not produced by the cannabis plant
Cannabis -
A drug which comes from the cannabis plant which also includes hemp. Cannabis can be smoked or eaten. Also called marijuana.
CB1 receptor -
A cannabinoid receptor primarily in the central nervous system
CB2 receptor -
A cannabinoid receptor primarily in the peripheral nervous system, peripheral tissues of the immune system and gastrointestinal tract; to a lesser degree in the central nervous system
Chemotype -
Plants that are practically indistinguishable from one another in appearance but are nevertheless unique in their composition and therefore are used to treat distinct diseases.
Chemovar -
A particular species of plants the chemical composition of which varies from the average because of different environmental growing conditions. Also called chemotype.
Cognitive -
The mental processes associated with learning such as thinking, memory, concentration, reasoning and judgement.
Compound -
A compound is a substance formed when two or more chemical elements are chemically bonded together.
Consumption -
Used, ingested or eaten (medication)
Contravention -
When someone does something that is not allowed by a law or rules.
Cultivar -
Is short for cultivated variety, and is defined as a plant that has been “created or selected intentionally and maintained through cultivation”.