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2AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol) -  An endocannabinoid abundant within the central nervous system
Acute -  Having a short and relatively severe course of symptoms with a sudden onset.
Adverse (drug effect) -  An unexpected or unwanted effect, or dangerous reaction to a drug.
Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA) -  An endocannabinoid associated with pain levels and sleep patterns
Anecdotal -  Based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.
Benzodiazepines -  A class of drugs that act as sedatives or tranquilisers and are commonly used in the treatment of anxiety.
Bioavailability -  The portion of a drug or substance that is absorbed in the body to be able to have an active effect. It is usually a fraction of the administered dose.
Botanical Bud -  The flowering top of the female cannabis plant, also called a Cola.
Cannabichromene (CBC) -  A cannabinoid found in cannabis
Cannabidiol (CBD) -  The second most common cannabinoid produced by the cannabis plant. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with broad medical applications.
Cannabidiolic acid (CBD-a) -  The acidic form of CBD that is naturally produced by the cannabis plant
Cannabigerol (CBG) -  Non-psychoactive cannabinoid; used by the cannabis plant to produce THC and CBD
Cannabinoids -  Any of the chemical compounds that are active ingredients of cannabis. There are over 480 natural components found within the cannabis plant, of which 66 have been classified as "cannabinoids;" chemicals unique to the plant. Cannabinoids can be produced by humans and animals (endocannabinoids), plants (phytocannabinoids) and synthetically produced.
Cannabinol (CBN) -  Weakly psychoactive breakdown product of THC; not produced by the cannabis plant
Cannabis -  A drug which comes from the cannabis plant which also includes hemp. Cannabis can be smoked or eaten. Also called marijuana.
CB1 receptor -  A cannabinoid receptor primarily in the central nervous system
CB2 receptor -  A cannabinoid receptor primarily in the peripheral nervous system, peripheral tissues of the immune system and gastrointestinal tract; to a lesser degree in the central nervous system
Chemotype -  Plants that are practically indistinguishable from one another in appearance but are nevertheless unique in their composition and therefore are used to treat distinct diseases.
Chemovar -  A particular species of plants the chemical composition of which varies from the average because of different environmental growing conditions. Also called chemotype.
Cognitive -  The mental processes associated with learning such as thinking, memory, concentration, reasoning and judgement.
Compound -  A compound is a substance formed when two or more chemical elements are chemically bonded together.
Consumption -  Used, ingested or eaten (medication)
Contravention -  When someone does something that is not allowed by a law or rules.
Cultivar -  Is short for cultivated variety, and is defined as a plant that has been “created or selected intentionally and maintained through cultivation”.
Decarboxylation (cannabis) -  The chemical process to remove a carboxyl group and release carbon dioxide. This term usually refers to baking/heating cannabis at a low temperature to convert inactive THCA into psychoactive THC.
Dispensary -  A place where medicines are prepared and provided.
Edibles -  Food or drink infused with cannabis or cannabis extractions
Endocannabinoid system -  System within the body including endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors
Entourage effect -  Synergistic effects of cannabinoids and other plant chemicals such as terpenes
Enzyme -  A substance produced by the body to help speed up chemical reactions in the body.
Excrete -  To discharge or expel waste matter, such as urine, sweat, carbon dioxide, or faeces from the body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, bowels, etc.
Floss -  A hybrid strain of cannabis.
Impair/impairment -  The state of being diminished, weakened, or damaged, especially mentally or physically.
Ingestion -  The process of absorbing substances or medications into the body by eating or drinking them.
Inhibit -  Hinder, restrain or prevent (an action or process)
Interact/ion -  In pharmacology – The effect or influence of two or more drugs acting on each other.
Intractable Epilepsy -  Seizures that are difficult to control with antiepileptic drug therapy.
Liver Function Test -  Blood tests used to provide information about how your liver is working. They test the levels of a number of proteins and enzymes that are either produced by liver cells or released into the blood when liver cells are damaged.
Medical Grade -  Produced and processed in controlled standard conditions to a medical grade, free of contaminants
Medical Practitioner -  A doctor or surgeon.
Medicinal Cannabis -  Cannabis prescribed to relieve the symptoms of a medical condition, such as epilepsy.
Metabolise -  Drug metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down and converts medication into active chemical substances.
Motor Skills -  Movements and actions of the bone structures (body).
Narcotic -  Opium based pain medications such as codeine or morphine, illicit forms of narcotics include heroin.
Non-psychoactive -  Not psychoactive, that is, not producing an effect (such as changes in perception or behaviour) on the mind or mental processes.
Oral Mucosa -  The mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth.
Over-the-counter (drugs) -  Medications obtained by ordinary retail purchase, with no need for a prescription or licence.
Palliative Care -  A type of care focused on relief from symptoms of a serious or terminal illness. The goal is to improve quality of life rather than treat the illness.
Pharmaceutical Grade -  Pharmaceutical Grade products must exceed 99% purity (natural sources) and contain no binders, fillers, dyes, inactive or unknown substances.
Phytocannabinoids -  Cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant and a few other plant species
Prescription -  An instruction written by a doctor that authorises a patient to be issued with a medicine or treatment.
Prosecution -  The action of charging someone with a crime and putting them on trial.
Psychoactive (drug) -  A psychoactive drug is a chemical substance that affects the mind and can result in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behaviour.
Ratio -  A comparison of, or relationship between two groups or amounts that expresses how much bigger one is than the other.
Recreational Cannabis -  Cannabis used for non-medical purposes to intentionally change one’s state of consciousness, often producing mind altering feelings.
Schedule 8 medication -  These are controlled drugs (medications), substances and preparations for therapeutic use which have high potential for misuse, abuse and dependence. The possession of these drugs without authority is an offence.
Serum Levels -  Serum blood levels. The amount of a given medication or substance present in your blood at the time of testing.
Special Access Scheme -  Refers to arrangements which provide for the importation and/or supply of an unapproved therapeutic good (i.e. those not included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)) for a single patient, on a case-by-case basis.
Strain (plant) -  Variations found within plant cultivars (groups)
Sublingual -  Under the tongue
Sustained (effect) -  For the effects of a medication to continue for an extended period.
Terpene/ terpenoids -  Volatile hydrocarbons found in the essential oils produced by many plants including cannabis; responsible for the scent of the cannabis plant
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) -  The main cannabinoid produced by the cannabis plant. It is the active ingredient delta-9 tetraHydroCannabinol (THC), which affects brain function and can alter perception and mood.
Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-a) -  The acidic form of THC; produced by the cannabis plant
Tincture -  A medicine made by dissolving an extract of plant or animal material in alcohol.
Titration (medication dose) -  Finding the proper dose of a medication by adjusting the dose to get maximum benefit with the least amount of unwanted effects.
Toxicity -  The degree to which a medication or substance (a toxin or poison) can harm humans or animals. Being toxic or poisonous.
Trichome -  Hair-like glands on the cannabis plant which produce cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids
Vaping -  The action or practice of inhaling and exhaling a vapour produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.
Vaporised -  To convert or be converted into vapour (gaseous state).
Zero Tolerance (driving) -  No level of cannabis consumption is considered safe before driving


Backs, M, 2014 The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana This Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers, New York. (viewed March 2019) (viewed March 2019) (viewed March 2019)

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